It’s always best to look ahead to see what next week’s Kumi Action involves. However, the following weeks involve additional levels of planning (possibly a month or more), so be looking ahead. Please notify your fellow activists prior to these events, and we’ll try to remind you as well.


Week 3 (Nov 4 to 10): Stop the Wall

  • You’re going to be sending an empty cardboard box to the Israeli Parliament. Send your boxes and post to social media in time for the Global Day of InterAction for #WorldwithoutWalls on November 9th.

Week 9 (Dec 16 to 22): Military Court Watch

  • Host a potluck and screen a film. You’ll want to organise a location, equipment and send out invitations.

Week 11 (Dec 30 to Jan 5): ELCJHL

  • Ask your church to speak for the World Wave of Prayer cycle. You might want to send your requests in advance so that you have time to follow up with the rest of the Kumi Action and attend the church service.

Week 19 (Feb 24 to Mar 2): Youth Against Settlements

  • One option is to host a vigil on February 25th.
  • Another option is to host a film screening.

Week 24 (Mar 31 to Apr 6): MA’AN Development Center

  • You’re hosting a potluck and making hummus. So make sure you get those invites out in time and make a trip to the store.

Week 31 (May 19 to 25): Kumi City Gathering

Week 39 (Jul 14 to 20): Zochrot

  • You’re hosting a film screening this week. You’ll want to find a space, equipment and do some advertising.

Week 41 (Jul 28 to Aug 3): Women in Black

  • This week you’ll be hosting a vigil.

Week 43 (Aug 11 to 17); Defense for Children International Palestine

  • You need to find and coordinate attending a fair or other public event.

Week 45 (Aug 25 to 31): Dar al-Kalima

  • Have your church, place of worship, school, or community hall host a film screening or host a show of Palestinian art.

Week 48 (Sep 15 to 21): Kumi-City March