This page contains all of the past weeks, their information and actions from the Kumi Now initiative.

  • Week 43: Women in Conflict
    There is a twisted irony at the intersection of war and gender: war is almost always declared and fought by… more
  • Week 42: Profiting from Occupation
    Every week, hundreds of companies and corporations are profiting off the occupation. Sadly, these profits are at the cost of… more
  • Week 41: Mental Health
    Mental health is too often a taboo subject even in the healthiest of societies. But in societies torn apart by… more
  • Week 40: Nonviolence in Palestine
    October 2 is the International Day of Non-Violence, celebrated annually by the United Nations on the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.… more
  • Week 39: Bedouin Rights
    Refugee Bedouin communities in Palestine and Israel have experienced decades of home demolitions and forcible transfers along with virtually non-existent… more
  • Week 38: Blockade of Gaza
    The Kumi Now community celebrates International Day of Peace on September 21 by standing together for the part of Palestine most… more
  • Week 37: Bethlehem
    Rachel’s Tomb, at the north end of Bethlehem, is of religious significance for Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike. But Israel… more
  • Week 36: Education Funding and Policy
    It’s that time of year! Students across Palestine and Israel, and around the northern hemisphere, have headed, or are about… more
  • Week 35: Art as Resistance
    Art as a creative tool of resistance is a cornerstone of a successful nonviolent resistance. While some resist the occupation… more
  • Week 34: Christian Zionism
    All Palestinians regardless of their faith face similar challenges. However, Palestinian Christians face a specific kind of challenge from Christian… more
  • Week 33: U.S. Role in Palestine
    August 19 is World Humanitarian Day. As we advocate for the “safety and security of humanitarian aid workers, and for… more
  • Week 32: Indigenous Rights
    August 9 is International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples. This week, Kumi Now is following U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres’s… more
  • Week 31: Collective Punishment
    Adopted in August of 1949, the Fourth Geneva Convention (more properly called the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of… more
  • Week 30: Family Unification
    On July 31, 2003 Israel passed the Nationality and Entry into Israel Law, making the lives of thousands of Palestinian… more
  • Week 29: Israeli Apartheid Wall
    Resolution ES-10/15 doesn’t, in name, sound like much. But it was a resolution passed on July 20, 2004 that acknowledged… more
  • Week 28: Morally Responsible Investing
    Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and flouting of United Nations  resolutions is ongoing and unwavering. Dozens of international corporations profit off… more
  • Week 27: Kumi Relaunch
    It’s time to Rise Up! If this is your first time hearing about Kumi Now, welcome! Please refer back to… more
  • Week 26: Nuclear Israel
    The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) was signed on July 1, 1968. According to the U.N., “More… more
  • Week 25: Palestinian Refugees
    Palestinians who were either forced from or fled their homes in 1948 and 1967 hoped for a quick return to… more
  • Week 24: Tourism and Pilgrimage
    For the northern hemisphere, students and families around the world are beginning their summer vacations. While in the southern hemisphere… more
  • Week 23: Environmental Effects of the Occupation
    June 5 is World Environment Day. While Palestinians as a people are under constant threat and assault from the occupation,… more
  • Week 22: Child Fatalities
    The United Nations observes June 1 as the Global Day of Parents, acknowledging the critical role that parents have in… more
  • Week 21: Preserving History and Culture
    The United Nations celebrates May 21 as the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development. The day was… more
  • Week 20: The Ongoing Nakba
    For Palestinians, May 15 is Nakba Day. That is the day following the Israeli Independence Day on the Gregorian calendar.… more
  • Week 19: U.S. Support of Israel
    Palestinians in the occupied territory have long suffered as a result of U.S. support of Israel. The Trump administration’s decisions… more
  • Week 18: Freedom of Speech
    As we celebrate World Press Freedom Day on May 3, we want the world to know that Palestinian journalists face… more
  • Week 17: Nation-State Law
    On May 1, 2018, the Knesset passed the Nation-State law (officially Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish… more
  • Week 16: Administrative Detention
    This Palestinian Prisoners Day, April 17, let us remember the thousands of Palestinian political prisoners. At the end of 2019,… more
  • Week 15: Home Demolitions
    Having a home and a safe place for your family to live in is one of the most vital parts… more
  • Week 14: Minors in Military Courts
    Many of the injustices committed against Palestinians combine in the use of night arrests and military prisons to traumatize children… more
  • Week 13: Conditions in Gaza
    On March 30, Palestinians celebrate Land Day, a commemoration of the first Palestinian general strike, in 1976, against land confiscation… more
  • Week 12: Natural Resources
    The West Bank is rich in natural resources. However, due to Israel’s occupation and control over the occupied Palestinian territory,… more
  • Week 9: Olive Trees
    Palestinians in the occupied territory face rampant destruction of their olive trees and livelihoods. As more trees are uprooted and… more
  • Week 10: Women in Peacebuilding
    In other weeks of the year we document the hardships that women have had to bear due to the occupation.… more
  • Week 11: Restrictions on Movement
    The checkpoints throughout the occupied Palestinian territory control and choke the lives of Palestinians. In 2014, UNAIDS declared March 1… more
  • Week 8: Settlements and Violence
    This week, as Palestinians mark the date of the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre on February 25, the Kumi Now community is… more
  • Week 7: Discriminatory Policies towards the Palestinian People
    In declaring February 20 the World Day of Social Justice, the United Nations stated “that social development and social justice… more
  • Week 6: Medical Rights
    The blockade of Gaza is a noose around its neck. One of the worst impacts of that noose is the… more
  • Week 5: Palestinian Citizens of Israel
    Palestinian citizens of Israel face regular discrimination in policing, employment, housing, and every other facet of life. As the High… more
  • Week 4: Jerusalem
    Once regarded as the center of the world, an epicenter of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, a symbol of the clashes… more
  • Week 3: Building Permit Discrimination
    As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, another injustice that we need to address involves the building of homes… more
  • Week 1: Kumi New Year
    Week 1: Kumi New Year January 1 to 7 Welcome to a new year of Kumi Now! As you look… more
  • Week 52: Christians in the Holy Land
    Week 52: Christians in the Holy Land December 24 to 30 Palestinians in the occupied territory face increasingly difficult circumstances… more
  • Week 51: The Syrian Golan
    Week 51: The Syrian Golan December 17 to December 23 This week, we mark the occupation and annexation of the… more
  • Week 50: Right of Return
    Week 50: Right of Return December 10 to December 16 December 11 is the anniversary of the passage of U.N.… more
  • Week 49: Human Rights
    Week 49: Human Rights December 3 to December 9 On December 10, 1948 the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration… more
  • Week 48: The Kairos Document
    Week 48: The Kairos Document November 26 to December 2 In 1985, theologians around Soweto, South Africa issued the first… more
  • Week 47: Gender-Based Violence
    Women in the occupied Palestinian territory face persistent gender-based violence through night raids, settler violence, collective violence towards their families,… more
  • Week 46: Children’s Rights
    This week, as people around the world celebrate Universal Children’s Day on November 20, we are reminded that Palestinian children… more
  • Week 45: Anti-Muslim and Anti-Islamic Discrimination
    November is Islamophobia Awareness Month, run by the Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND) non-profit in the United Kingdom. Kumi Now… more
  • Week 44: Antisemitism
    Across Europe, November 9 is the International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism. As a nonviolent movement dedicated to achieving peace… more
  • Week 2: Doing Business while Palestinian
    We begin our year by looking ahead to Martin Luther King Jr. Day, observed the third Monday of each year,… more