Week 14: Book Talk with Nora Lester Murad

Week 14: Book Talk with Nora Lester Murad

Tuesday, April 4 5pm. We will be joined by author and activist Nora Lester Murad.

On April 4, 2023 we met author and activist Nora Lester Murad to discuss her new middle years novel, Ida in the Middle. You may also recognize her as the editor of I Found Myself in Palestine: Stories from around the Globe, which we’ve featured previously in the newsletter.

More about our guests:

Nora Lester Murad is a writer, educator, and activist. Her young adult novel, Ida in the Middle (Crocodile Books), is about how a Palestinian-American girl finds belonging by connecting with her people’s cause (see www.idainthemiddle.com).

Nora co-authored Rest in My Shade: A Poem About Roots with Danna Masad and edited I Found Myself in Palestine: Stories of Love and Renewal From Around the Globe (both from Interlink Books). She has more than 20 years experience teaching international and intercultural topics, including at Lesley, Bentley and Fordham universities. While living in Palestine, Nora co-founded Dalia Association, Palestine’s community foundation, and Aid Watch Palestine, an aid accountability initiative.

She now lives in Massachusetts where she organizes to expand the teaching of Palestine in schools, among other social justice issues. Nora is a policy member of Al-Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network and serves on the board of directors of Visualizing Palestine. Nora blogs at www.noralestermurad.com.

You can follow Nora on Twitter at  https://twitter.com/NoraInPalestine, Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/nora_lester_murad/, and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/noralestermurad/

Her publisher is Interlink Books. They are an amazing publisher, and if you look at their list of books I’m sure you will see many wonderful books you’ve read before or heard of. You can follow Interlink Books on Twitter at https://twitter.com/interlinkbooks and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/interlinkbooks/. They are on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/interlinkbooks and their website is www.interlinkbooks.com/ 

Finally, there are websites for each of her books: 

From the Presentation/Chat

Article about Hawaida Arraf: https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestine-huwaida-arraf-school-event-detroit-michigan-smear-campaign

OUR VISION FOR LIBERATION: Engaged Palestinian Leaders & Intellectuals Speak Out by Dr. Ramzy Baroud and Prof. Ilan Pappe: https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-vision-for-liberation-engaged-palestinian-leaders-intellectuals-speak-out/

Win a free copy of any of Nora’s books at this link: https://bit.ly/IdaRaffles (This also puts you on her list to get updates, from which you can easily unsubscribe.)