May 28: Child Fatalities – with War Child

May 28: Child Fatalities – with War Child

Join us on May 28, 2024 as we partner with War Child to bring light to the child fatalities of the ongoing Nakba and what should be done to prevent them. We will also engage in activism for Gaza.

Time: Tuesday, May 28 at 6:00 pm Palestine time (UTC+3). That’s…​

  • ​Pacific (Seattle/Vancouver): 8 am
  • Central (Chicago): 10 am
  • Eastern (New York/Toronto): 11 am
  • Atlantic: 12 pm
  • Newfoundland: 12:30 pm
  • Greenwich (London): 4 pm
  • Central Europe (Paris/Stockholm): 5 pm
  • South Africa: 5 pm
  • Manila: 11 am
  • Sydney: 2 am (+1 Day)
  • Auckland: 4 am (+1 Day)

Zoom Meeting: (You might need to do a quick registration. This link is the same, either way.) Remember, if you’d like to receive a reminder about the gathering an hour before it begins, please use the registration form at the bottom of the page.

Urgent Actions

Support Student Protests

Follow these instagram accounts to support the activism and keep up with the movement at IU: @iudivestnow @psc_IU 

Follow these instagram accounts to support the activism and keep up with the movement at Notre Dame: @occupationfreend @svpnotredame

Follow these instagram accounts to support the activism and keep up with the movement at Yale: @yalies4palestine and @ydsforpalestine and @occupyyale

Action for Notre Dame:

Earlier this week Fr. Jenkins announced the University would subject students, charged for challenging @notredame ‘s complicity in the ongoing genocide, to possible criminal and disciplinary consequences. Call and email NOW to let Fr. Jenkins know he can’t scare us into silence.

Email Notre Dame’s president Jenkin’s at and call 574-631-3903 

Script: “Hello my name is [your name]. I am deeply concerned by the charges filed against peacefully protesting students at Notre Dame on May 2nd. I urge you to drop the trespassing charges and any disciplinary action against those charged. I am shocked that the charges were filed against so many after a peaceful demonstration.”

More instructions can be found on this post:

World: Save Rafah

As Israel continues it’s military operations in Rafah, the southernmost part of Gaza, after beginning its invasion of Rafah last week, continue in contacting your representatives urging an immediate ceasefire and the end of Israeli military operations in Rafah. 

Helpful resources: U.S.

United States: Protect Free Speech

Join Presbyterian Church USA in opposing recent bills passed by the House and now up for a vote in the Senate that seek to limit free speech for Palestine. They have a form you can use to contact your senator.


From the Presentation/Chat

Coming after the session