Week 8: Settlements and Violence Online Gathering
Week 8: Settlements and Violence Online Gathering
You can find the 2021 gathering here.
On February 21 we looked at the threat of illegal Israeli settlements and the violence they bring to Palestine. We were joined by researcher and activist Ashraf Khatib.
More about our guests:
Ashraf Khatib is a researcher and activist. You can follow him on Twitter https://twitter.com/ashkhatib and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ashkhatib
Activism Time
Coming soon
From the Presentation/Chat
Here is the report from BBC. Remember, however, that the Israelis just approved building 10,000 new housing units and gave approval to 9 previously illegal settlements https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-64654635
You can read the Intercept article about the Memphis PD chief here https://theintercept.com/2023/02/02/memphis-police-israel/