Week 41: Mental Health Online Gathering 2023
Week 41: Mental Health Online Gathering 2023
On October 10, 2023 as Dr. Marie of Al-Najah University joined us to discuss the mental health ramifications of Israel’s occupation of Palestine and the current war.
More about our guests:
Coming soon
From the Presentation/Chat
Medical Aid for Palestinians: https://www.map.org.uk/donate/donation-details/484
Jonathan Cook:
Everyone should read B’Tselem’s latest update: https://www.btselem.org/press_releases/20231010_revenge_policy_in_motion_israel_committing_war_crimes_in_gaza
I saw this article on MAP’s Facebook page: https://news.sky.com/story/israel-hamas-war-gaza-trauma-hospital-completely-full-up-as-impact-of-complete-siege-hits-home-12981580
UNWRA is doing an emergency appeal for Gaza: https://donate.unrwa.org/-landing-page/en_EN
Middle East Children’s Alliance is also collecting donations for Gaza. It’s US base is in Berkeley, CA, but it has staff, including doctors, on the ground in Gaza. You can google them
MECA: https://secure.everyaction.com/AUWs21rKXUW_obajEMyeXA2 1