Week 48: Kairos Document Online Gathering

Week 48: Kairos Document Online Gathering

On November 30th we learned about the message of the Kairos Palestine Document and the ongoing progress around it. Our guest was Nora Carmi, former project coordinator of Kairos Palestine.

More about our guest:

Nora Carmi is the former project coordinator for Kairos Palestine. 

You can find Kairos Palestine on their website and follow on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

You can see if there is a Global Kairos organization in your country and, if not, start one. Find out here.

Activism Time

Kumi Action is at:

First, read the Kairos Palestine document, then sign the “Cry of Hope”

Next, send the Kairos Document to your local church. Include a message such as “Please include the plight of Palestinians in your prayers, sermons, and work as a church. The Kairos document can help you: https://www.kairospalestine.ps/index.php/about-kairos/kairos-palestine-document.” 

You can then share the document via Facebook, Twitter, or email with both your religious and nonreligious friends. Include the message: “The Kairos Palestine Document outlines the suffering of all Palestinians, and should be a model for peoples of all faiths in how to approach and solve the Israeli occupation.” Include a link to this page of the Kumi Now website along with the hashtags #KairosPalestine, #KumiNow, and #Kumi48.

From the Presentation/Chat

A presentation outlining her talk is available at: https://kuminow.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Kairos-30-NOV-2021-Presentation.pdf 

The Amman Call: https://www.oikoumene.org/resources/documents/the-amman-call 

The Kairos Palestine document: https://www.kairospalestine.ps/index.php/about-kairos/kairos-palestine-document 

The Bethlehem Call: https://kairossouthernafrica.wordpress.com/2011/12/14/the-bethlehem-call-here-we-stand-stand-with-us/ 

“The Wall Has Been Broken Down” from Kairos Palestine Netherlands: http://www.henriveldhuis.nl/LocalFiles/Israel_Palestijnen/Muur_afgebroken/The_Wall_has_been_broken_down.pdf 

U.S. Response to the Kairos Palestine Document: https://kairosusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Kairos-USA-Call-to-Action.pdf 

Kairos Palestine Easter Alert 2021: https://www.kairospalestine.ps/images/kairos-easter-alert-2021.pdf 

Kairos Palestine Christmas Alert 2021: https://www.kairospalestine.ps/index.php/resources/alerts/kairos-christmas-alert-2021 

Open letter from The National Coalition of Christian Organizations in Palestine: https://www.oikoumene.org/resources/documents/open-letter-from-the-national-coalition-of-christian-organizations-in-palestine

Cry for Hope: https://www.cryforhope.org 

Kairos South Africa 30th Anniversary Statement: https://www.karibu.no/document/kairos-30th-anniversary-statement-dangerous-memory-and-hope-for-the-future/