March 12: Olive Trees and action time

March 12: Olive Trees and action time

On March 12, 2024, as Saleem Anfous of Virtual Pilgrim joined us to discuss the role of olive trees in Palestinian history, culture, and economic life, as well as what is being done to protect them. We also provided other updates and further our activism for Gaza.

Urgent Actions

Worldwide: Don’t let politicians off the hook

The United States became at least the fifth country to drop aid to Gaza. While this aid may provide temporary relief, it comes from a country that has the power to call for ceasefire but does not. Until the United States does so, such aid is little more than gesture politics.

Do not let President Biden or any other politician think that a few dropped meals puts them on the side of right. Continue to insist that all politicians, from local officials up to presidents and prime ministers, call for a ceasefire.

One step you can take is to share the graphic we have created. We will share it on our social media accounts and you can download it here:

US: Demand the U.S. stops blocking a ceasefire resolution

Last week, the U.S. once again vetoed a UN Security Council Resolution, blocking a demand for an immediate ceasefire and further humanitarian aid for Gaza. Use this email template from FOSNA to continue contacting your representatives, demanding an immediate ceasefire and increased humanitarian assistance.

From the Presentation/Chat

Coming after the session