Urgent Actions

Worldwide: Join an Event or Protest Near You!!

United States (protests) https://uscpr.org/pro-palestine-protests/
United Kingdom (protests) https://palestinecampaign.org/events/
World (events and protests): https://palactions.com/#home

North America: Maersk, Cut Ties with Genocide! #MaskOffMaersk

Join the Palestinian Youth Movement’s urgent campaign against Maersk, one of the world’s largest shipping and logistics companies that directly ships military cargo that facilitates Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people.

To join the campaign and complete actions and petitions, visit their website here.

We call for a People’s Arms Embargo NOW! Maersk, Cut Ties with Genocide!

Support Dr. Mohamed Abdou

Dr. Mohamed Abdou spoke at a recent Kumi Now gathering on the right of return. We can thank him by supporting his effort to sue Columbia University for their slandering, discrimination, and extreme harassment of him for his anti-colonial scholarship and solidarity with Palestine.

Worldwide: Support Alice Kisiya’s family

The Palestinian communities in al-Makhrour Wadi, deeply rooted in their lands for over a millennium, now face persistent threats from Israeli settlers. Surrounded by expanding settlements like Har Gilo and Nahal Heletz, these families are uniting to resist colonialism and indigenous erasure. Alice Kisiya, whose family land has been under persistent attack in al-Makhrour, has been outspoken in advocacy for her community and is seeking international support.

Early in December 2024, Alice and Mimi were arrested during a violent ambush by settlers, the Israeli police, and the IDF while planting an olive tree on their land. Thankfully, they were released the following day without charges. However, the police have refused to return their car, even though there is no legal justification for withholding it. This has created yet another obstacle for Alice and her family, who are already undergoing displacement from their land. However, you can help the Kisiya family with funds for a new car and additional legal fees through this GoFund Me Campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/donate-to-alices-fight-for-justice-and-livelihood

United Kingdom: Learn about Direct Action

From the Balfour declaration in 1917, to supplying Israel with tanks in 1967 and right through to the current unwavering support of the genocide in Gaza, Britain is stained by over a century of complicity in the colonisation of Palestine. Palestine Action, a direct action group based in the UK, is seeking to end this complicity. They are inviting people from the UK to join one of their upcoming workshops on Wednesday at 7 PM UK time to learn about how to take direct action and shut down Elbit, an Israeli weapons manufacturer with factories in the UK. The workshop will cover their theory on direct action, British complicity and the legal process associated with taking action!

Only the people can put an end to the shameful complicity of British state!

For more information, visit their website: https://www.palestineaction.org/

To register for their weekly workshops, visit this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpdO-tqzMvH9d8k8uEP-SLHI960YVU718i#/registration

North America: Friends of Palestinian Detainees

Your congregation can be one of twelve to join a new program from FOSNA that will personalize and humanize the reality of thousands of Palestinians detained in Israeli jails and prisons. Congregations in the pilot will be matched to a Christian Palestinian detainee and their family members with the goal of building relationships that can be sustained. Your can apply here. https://www.fosna.org/advocacy-direct-action-database/friends-of-palestinian-detainees

Canada: Cut ties with Azrieli

One of Toronto Arts Foundation’s top donors, the Azrieli Foundation, is the charitable counterpart of the genocidal Azrieli Group AKA “Israel’s largest real estate company”. The Azrieli Group’s assets include illegal settlement infrastructure in the occupied West Bank & East Jerusalem, and shares in Bank Leumi, an Israeli bank violating international law by financing illegal settlements and extracting natural resources in Palestine. Learn more here: https://www.instagram.com/p/DCpLEcVSoWK/?img_index=4

Get involved in the campaign to cut ties with Azrieli: Talk to your peers and arts organization(s) about Azrieli’s complicity and sign on to the open letter demanding Toronto Arts Foundation cut ties with Azrieli Foundation: tinyurl.com/NoAzrieli

World: Get Chevron OUT of Palestine

Get Chevron OUT of Palestine. Join the #BoycottChevron for Gaza campaign – and send a letter to Chevron CEO Mike Wirth now.

Ongoing: Pressure Governments

Until there is a ceasefire, we want you to think globally, but act locally. Israel won’t stop its assault on Gazans until the international community pressures it to do so. So far, only Arab countries are openly calling for a ceasefire. Let’s change this!

Email or call your own representative, MP, or other leader, urging them to call for an immediate ceasefire. Did you email last week? Email again! Politicians won’t act on a single email. They need to be reminded over and over again that this matters.

Work with members of your local activism group (Friends of Sabeel or otherwise) to identify which politicians and leaders are the most likely to listen and act. Share their email addresses and phone numbers.

We will repeat this action every week until a ceasefire is in place.

Share this action and your local contact information on social media. Use the hashtags #Palestine #Gaza #CeasefireNOW #KumiNow