Note: Kumi Now 2.0 is on its way. We’ve learned a lot from this first version of Kumi Now, and are hard at work on a new and improved Kumi Now that will incorporate a lot more topics and a lot more organizations. That change will happen by the end of this second year of Kumi Now (that is, but mid-October 2020), at which point this calendar will be revised.

Week 1 – October 21 – 27

Kumi Launch Week

Week 2 – October 28 – November 3

Jahalin – Khan al-Ahmar

Week 3 – November 4 – 10

Stop the Wall – The Israeli Apartheid Wall

Week 4 – November 11 – 17

MennoPIN – Home Demolitions

Week 5 – November 18 – 24

Wi’am – Letting Children be Children

Week 6 – November 25 – December 1

Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counselling – Gender-Based Violence

Week 7 – December 2 – 8

Christian Peacemaker Teams – Checkpoints

Week 8 – December 9 – 15

Al-Marsad – The Syrian Golan

Week 9 – December 16 – 22 

Military Court Watch – Children in Military Courts

Week 10 – December 23 – 29

Kumi Check-in 1

Week 11 – December 30 – January 5

ELCA/ELCJHL – Palestinian Christian Emigration from the Holy Land

Week 12 – January 6 – 12

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights – Violations of Medical Patients’ Rights in Gaza

Week 13 – January 13 – 19

MachsomWatch – Checkpoints

Week 14 – January 20 – 26

PASSIA – Israel’s Violations of International Law in East Jerusalem

Week 15 – January 27 – February 2

Friends of Sabeel North America – Boycott of Hewlett-Packard

Week 16 – February 3 – 9

Kumi Care 1

Week 17 – February 10 – 16

Mossawa Center – Discrimination towards Arab Citizens of Israel

Week 18 – February 17 – 23

Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages in the Negev – Unrecognized Bedouin Villages in the Negev

Week 19 – February 24 – March 2

Youth Against Settlements – Settlements in Hebron

Week 20 – March 3 – 9

Coalition of Women for Peace – Women of Gaza

Week 21 – March 10 – 16

Joint Action Initiative – Destruction of Olive Trees

Week 22 – March 17 – 23

Al-Haq – Natural Resource Exploitation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Week 23 – March 24 – 30

Aid Watch – Gaza Farmland

Week 24 – March 31 – April 6

MA’AN Development Centre – Rights of Children

Week 25 – April 7 – 13

Kumi Re-Launch

Week 26 – April 14 – 20

Addameer – Administrative Detention

Week 27 – April 21 – 27

Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees – Palestinian Refugees

Week 28 – April 28 – May 4

Palestinian Centre for Development of Press Freedoms (MADA) – Press Freedoms

Week 29 – May 5 – 11

Al-Quds University, Jerusalem – Islamophobia

Week 30 – May 12 – 18

BADIL – The Ongoing Nakba

Week 31 – May 19 – 25

Kumi City Gathering

Week 32 – May 26 – June 1

Kumi Care 2

Week 33 – June 2 – 8

Palestinian Museum of Natural History – Environmental Effects of the Occupation

Week 34 – June 9 – 15

Peacemaker Trust – What is Christian Zionism?

Week 35 – June 16 – 22

ICAHD – Home Demolitions

Week 36 – June 23 – 29

Sabeel – Jerusalem

Week 37 – June 30 – July 6

Kumi Check-In 2

Week 38 – July 7 – 13

Sabeel-Kairos UK – Morally Responsible Investing

Week 39 – July 14 – 20

Zochrot – Right of Return and the JNF

Week 40 – July 21 – 27

Pilgrims of Ibillin – Education Funding

Week 41 – July 28 – August 3

Women in Black – Women under Conflict

Week 42 – August 4 – 10

Kumi Care 3

Week 43 – August 11 – 17

Defense for Children International, Palestine – Youth Detention

Week 44 – August 18 – 24

Churches of Middle East Peace – Living in Gaza Under Blockade

Week 45 – August 25 – 31

Dar al-Kalima – Art as Resistance

Week 46 – September 1 – 7

Adalah – Palestinian Arab Bedouin Citizens of Israel

Week 47 – September 8 – 14

Arab Educational Institute – Rachel’s Tomb

Week 48 – September 15 – 21

Kumi City March

Week 49 – September 22 – 28

Kumi Check-In 3

Week 50 – September 29 – October 5

Tent of Nations – Building Permit Discrimination

Week 51 – October 6 – 12

Palestine Centre for Human Rights – Human Rights

Week 52 – October 13 – 19

Zaytoun – Olive Production

Kumi Now 2.0 coming soon...