Kumi Check-in #3

Kumi Check-ins occur three times throughout the year in order to set aside time to evaluate the Kumi Now initiative. Kumi Check-ins create space for feedback from our community around the world, who are engaging in the Kumi Now initiative in their homes, communities, schools, places of worship, and more. We hope to evaluate Kimi Actions for their ease or difficulty in implementation, receive feedback on the different Kumi entries, learn about which Kumi Actions were the most fun or exciting, see how Kumi Communities creatively engaged in Kumi Actions, and determine how much time and effort it took individuals to complete Kumi Actions.

On this occasion we would ask that you reflect on the Kumi Actions. Looking at their ease or difficulty of implementation, creativity, effectiveness, and how you or your Kumi Community engaged with them.

Let us know your thoughts by completing the form below or by emailing us at feedback@kuminow.com.