This page contains a list of all the groups and organizations who have become Kumi organizations. If you are an organization/or know an organization who are not on this list, and would like to be part of Kumi Now, please email the Kumi Now Team at and let us know. We are always open to adding organizations that believe that nonviolence and international law are the foundations for an end to occupation.

AdalahMA’AN Development CenterZochrot
Aid Watch PalestineMennoPIN
Al-MarsadMilitary Court Watch
Al Mezan Center for Human RightsMossawa Center
Al-Quds University in JerusalemPalestine Israel Ecumenical Network (PIEN)
Arab Educational Institute (AEI)Palestine Museum of Natural History (PMNH)
BADIL Resource CenterPalestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA)
Center for Jewish NonviolencePalestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms (MADA)
Christian Peacemaker Team (CPT)Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR)
Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP)Peacemaker Trust
Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP)Pilgrims of Ibillin and the Mar Elias Educational Institutions
Combatants for PeaceRamallah Friends Meeting (Quakers)
Dar al-Kalima University College of Arts and CultureRegional Council for the Unrecognized Villages of the Negev (RCUV)
Defense for Children International – Palestine (DCIP)Sabeel
Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR)Sabeel-Kairos UK
Earth CaravanStop the Wall
Educational BookshopTent of Nations
ELCA/ELCJHLTree of Life Educational Fund
Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA)US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR)
Good Shepherd CollectiveUSA-Palestine Mental Health Network
Jahalin SolidarityWomen in Black
Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights CenterWomen’s Center for Legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC)
JAI – YMCA/YWCAYouth Against Settlements (YAS)
Just Peace AdvocatesZaytoun

Adalah: The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

Adalah (Justice in Arabic) is an independent human rights organization and legal center. Adalah’s mission is to promote human rights in Israel in general and the rights of the Palestinian minority (20% of the population), in particular. This work includes promoting and defending the human rights of all individuals under the control of Israel, including Palestinian residents of the occupied Palestinian territory.

You can find Adalah’s Kumi Now submission here, or visit them at the following:

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Coming soon

Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association

Addameer (Arabic for conscience) Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association is a Palestinian non-governmental, civil institution that works to support Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli and Palestinian prisons. Established in 1992 by a group of activists interested in human rights, the center offers free legal aid to political prisoners, advocates for their rights at the national and international level, and works to end torture and other violations of prisoners’ rights through monitoring, legal procedures, and solidarity campaigns.

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Aid Watch Palestine

Aid Watch Palestine (AWP) is an independent, Palestinian-driven initiative that stimulates and supports efforts to make international aid more accountable to Palestinians—starting with reconstruction of the Gaza Strip. They invite the Palestinian community and aid actors-local and international, public and private-to join them in critical and constructive scrutiny of aid. Together, we can utilize aid to advance the Palestinian cause and focus on long-term solutions.

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Al-Haq was established in 1979 as an independent Palestinian non-governmental human rights organization with the aim to protect and promote human rights and the rule of law in the occupied Palestinian territory. Al-Haq focuses a portion of its research and advocacy on the area of business and human rights. It examines and challenges the nexus between business interests and Israel as the occupying power, which together exploit the natural resources of the occupied territory for the benefit of Israeli and transnational corporations.

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Al-Marsad, the Arab Human Rights Centre in the Golan Heights

Al-Marsad, the Arab Human Rights Centre in the Golan Heights, is an independent legal human rights organisation. The organisation was founded in 2003 by members of the remaining Syrian population and is the only human rights organisation operating in the occupied Syrian Golan. Its mission is “to protect and promote human rights and respect for the rule of law in the occupied Syrian Golan, with a commitment to the overall application of international law, in particular: international humanitarian law and international human rights law.”

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Al Mezan Center for Human Rights

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights is an independent, non-partisan, non-governmental human rights organization based in the Gaza Strip. Since its establishment in 1999, Al Mezan has been dedicated to protecting and advancing the respect of human rights-especially economic, social and cultural rights-supporting victims of violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, and enhancing democracy, community, and citizen participation, and respect for the rule of law in Gaza as part of the occupied Palestinian territory.

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Al-Quds University in Jerusalem

The mission of Al-Quds University in Jerusalem is to equip students with the necessary tools to overcome overwhelming challenges and to shape a successful future. This is made possible through the promotion of academic research and professional excellence. Al-Quds University also aims at the development of a multicultural mindset to go with the current reality of the political and socio-economic situation in Jerusalem.

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Hona Al Quds, their social media site:


Arab Educational Institute

Arab Educational Institute (AEI) is a Palestinian organization that furthers education, peace building and dialogue in the occupied West Bank. AEI’s main local outreach is a network of some 30 schools and 10 women organizations in the Bethlehem, Hebron, and Ramallah areas.

AEI appeals to international volunteers to share in its peace work. AEI also works closely together with Palestinian NGOs at both a local and national level, especially in the fields of education and non-violent activities. 

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BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights

BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights is an independent, human rights non-profit organization committed to protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). Our vision, mission, programs, and relationships are defined by our Palestinian identity and the principles of international humanitarian and human rights law. We seek to advance the individual and collective rights of the Palestinian people on this basis.

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Center for Jewish Nonviolence

The entire premise of the Center for Jewish Nonviolence is that there’s power in using our privilege as Jews from the Diaspora to resist the occupation in solidarity with Palestinian and Israeli nonviolent activists. We run delegations and campaigns which bring these communities together for Palestinian-led nonviolent civil resistance (Nonviolent Direct Action, Community Coresistance Projects, and Critical Education), thereby modeling and amplifying the viability of shared-resistance.

The Problem We Address: A central mechanism of the Occupation is divide-and-conquer which isolates the efforts and struggles of communities and individuals, oftentimes pitting them against each other. This weakens and deflects those efforts away from the underlying problem, the system of Occupation.

How We Address It: CJNV strengthens and uplifts a robust and connected movement of Palestinians, Israelis and diaspora Jews committed to active shared-resistance. These relationships of solidarity and co-resistance disrupt the material and ideological systems that uphold Occupation and oppress communities on both sides of the Green Line.

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Christian Peacemaker Teams

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) has been a presence in al-Khalil at the invitation of the local mayor and community since 1995. It is a faith-based organization that supports Palestinian-led nonviolent grassroots resistance to the Israeli military occupation and the unjust structures that uphold it. By collaborating with local Palestinian and Israeli peacemakers and educating people in our home countries, we help to create a space for justice and peace.

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Churches for Middle East Peace

Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) is a coalition of 27 national church denominations and organizations in Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Evangelical traditions. Through its more than 47,000 individual constituents and denominational partnerships, CMEP influences millions of American Christians. CMEP works to encourage U.S. policies that actively promote a just, lasting, and comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ensuring security, human rights, and religious freedom for all the people of the region.

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Coalition of Women for Peace

The Coalition of Women for Peace (CWP) is a feminist organization active in the struggle to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine, for the liberation of the Palestinian people from oppression, for the creation of a society based on principles of justice and equality, and for securing life and dignity for all the inhabitants of Israel/Palestine.

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Combatants for Peace

For over a decade we have embodied and served as a model for our humanistic values of freedom, democracy, security and dignity for all. We envision Combatants for Peace as a strong, significant, influential binational community – a community that exemplifies viable cooperation: co-resistance to the occupation and violence, which forms the basis for future co-existence. Through joint nonviolence in the present, we lay the foundations for a nonviolent future.

In keeping with our values, we work towards a two state solution in the 1967 borders, or any other mutually agreed upon solution that will allow both Israelis and Palestinians to live in freedom, security, democracy and dignity in their homeland. We do this by:

  • Building an ever-expanding Palestinian-Israeli joint activist community based upon Combatants for Peace’s bi-national regional groups that embody our vision and serve as a model for both societies and their future.
  • Motivating broad and effective bi-national, non-violent activity promoting freedom and security for both peoples in their homeland.
  • Changing attitudes on a wide scale, both within the Israeli and Palestinian public, as well as with governmental decision makers.
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Dar al-Kalima University College of Arts and Culture

Dar al-Kalima University College of Arts and Culture currently has around 500 students enrolled in the bachelor and associate degree programs. The mission of this institution of higher education is to train the next generation of creative leaders for Palestine; a creative class of visual artists, composers, musicians, dancers, film-makers, and designers who will be able to keep shaping a dynamic Palestinian identity.

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Defense for Children International Palestine

Defense for Children International Palestine (DCIP) provides direct and free legal aid to Palestinian minors in the Israeli military court system and the Palestinian juvenile justice system and works to limit incarceration periods. DCIP exposes grave human rights violations, including torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, against Palestinian minors under the jurisdictions of the Israeli military court system and the Palestinian juvenile justice system and holds perpetrators accountable. DCIP also conducts evidence-based advocacy in support of policy changes that increase protections and advance access to justice for Palestinian minors.

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Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees

The Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees (DSPR) emerged as an ad-hoc group of spirited clergy and lay persons following the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the start of the Palestinian refugee problem. Locally formed groups and Area Committees in Jerusalem and the West Bank, the East Bank of Jordan, Lebanon, Gaza, and Galilee responded to the first wave of Palestinian refugees. The problem of the Palestinian refugees and their basic rights to essential services remains a key problem to which DSPR responds. The vision of DSPR is based on Diakonia, the call to serve the poor and oppressed, applied to sustain the efforts of Palestinian refugees to lead dignified lives and to strengthen their communities as essential to the exercise of the right of return. 

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Earth Caravan

The Earth Caravan is a global interfaith pilgrimage dedicated to peace, healing and justice for the most traumatic places on our planet. Since 2015 the Earth Caravan has traveled from Nagasaki to Hiroshima, from Auschwitz to Srebrenica in Bosnia-Herzegovina and to Serbia, and from the First Nations of Canada to Israel and Palestine.

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Educational Bookshop

The Educational Bookshop was born in the year 1984 through a simple twist of fate. The Educational Bookshop is very much a family run business. Established by Imad Muna more than 25 years ago, it is currently run jointly by the six brothers.

Today, the Educational Bookshop is a well established and leading bookstore focusing on Middle Eastern culture and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Our book collection also includes a selection of Arabic literature, guidebooks, dictionaries, and Arabic teaching books.

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The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) is a worshiping community. We have six Arabic-speaking congregations: in Ramallah, Jerusalem, Beit Jala, Bethlehem, Beit Sahour, and Amman, Jordan. We also have a joint ELCJHL/ELCA English-speaking congregation in Jerusalem. 

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Friends of Sabeel North America

Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt Christian ecumenical organization seeking justice and peace in Palestine through nonviolent advocacy and education. We support the work of Sabeel Jerusalem, and we organize for Palestine in churches and faith communities across the United States.

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Good Shepherd Collective

The Good Shepherd Collective raises awareness of the violent and unjust structures operating in the Holy Land and to provide educational resources and action items to effect the broad changes that will usher in peace. We understand violence to be rooted in the systems and laws that guide civil formation and order. As such, we reject the binary discourse of “Israelis vs. Palestinians” and instead focus on the structural violence and oppression that leads to violence. As such, we organize to change the policies and laws that underpin these structures through grassroots campaigns. In this way, we advocate for the rights of all people and seek to build broad coalitions across movements to usher in a new era of justice. Though we are centered in the South Hebron Hills, our understanding of justice demands for us to be active across all movements as our resources and talents allow us.

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The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) is a non-violent, direct-action group dedicated to establishing a single democracy in historic Palestine, thus achieving a just peace between Palestinians and Israelis.

Since 1997, ICAHD has focused its resistance on Israel’s policy of demolishing Palestinian homes and structures (more than 120,000 since 1948). ICAHD uses the policy of home demolitions to expose how Israeli colonialism and occupation work. This policy of home demolitions is key issue itself but also a vehicle to show how the occupation works. 

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Jahalin Solidarity

Jahalin Solidarity is a Palestinian non-profit which aims to develop and work with Palestinian society (especially Bedouin, but also others in Area C and East Jerusalem) targeted for transfer and forcible displacement. As such, Jahalin Solidarity represents an initiative of civil society dedicated to protecting the rights of Bedouin and other Palestinians living under occupation, especially those living in a coercive environment of ongoing demolitions and imminent forced eviction by the Israeli military authorities. Jahalin Solidarity works in solidarity with Bedouin and other Palestinian civil society to support their struggle to stay where they have lived for the past 60+ years in the Jerusalem periphery or elsewhere, to uphold the Palestinian Right of Return, and end the Israeli occupation.

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Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center (JLAC)

The Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center (JLAC) is one of the leading human rights organizations in Palestine. Founded in 1974 by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), JLAC was officially registered as an independent organization in 1997. Through its different branches in Ramallah, Jerusalem, Nablus and Salfit, JLAC seeks to defend Palestinians against human rights  violations regardless of the perpetrator. The Bulk of JLAC’s work, however, focuses on protecting the rights of Palestinians against Israel’s policies of annexation and systematic abuse. In occupied Jerusalem, JLAC provides pro bono legal aid and services to marginalized Palestinians in the fields of residency rights, family unification, social and economic rights and house demolition orders. Legal aid in combatting demolition and confiscation orders is extended to area C of the West Bank. Since 2008, JLAC has led a legal and popular campaign for the recovery of Palestinian and Arab war victims’ bodies and the disclosure of the fate of the missing.
In addition to confronting Israeli human rights violations, JLAC is active in in insuring the respect for the rule of law and the separation of powers in PA-controlled areas. It has also recently led campaigns to advance respect for disability rights in the public spaces by centering the demand for accessibility and equality.

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Joint Advocacy Initiative

The YMCA-YWCA Joint Advocacy Initiative (JAI) works to introduce international partners and activists to the reality of life under occupation in Palestine through media, visits to Palestine, exchange programs and advocacy tours, events and campaigns, and asking them to lobby and influence decision-makers.

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Just Peace Advocates

Just Peace Advocates is a Canadian-based independent human rights organization promoting Just Peace/Paix Juste for the people of Palestine. Our vision is to provide a civil society voice focused on government, institutional and society’s accountability to the rule of law, and the standards of international human rights and humanitarian law.

The work of Just Peace Advocates is accomplished through research, monitoring, education, communications, advocacy, programs and services. We believe that public policy interests for equity for all people including those of Palestine is advanced through strong national and international networks that build effective relationships with government, media, Canadian civil society, including all faiths and ethnic groups, and supporters of human rights and international law.

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MA’AN Development Center

MA’AN Development Center is an independent Palestinian development and training institution established in January, 1989, registered as a non-profit organization. The main office is located in the West Bank city of Ramallah and it has four branch offices located in Gaza, Khan Younis, Tulkarem, and Jenin. MA’AN’s work is informed by the necessity of creating independent, self-reliant initiatives that lead to the development of human resources for sustainable development, which incorporate values of self-sufficiency and self-empowerment.

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Machsom is the Hebrew word for checkpoint. MachsomWatch is a volunteer organization of Israeli women who are peace activists from all sectors of society. We oppose the Israeli occupation in the area known as the West Bank, we oppose the appropriation of Palestinian land and the denial of Palestinian human rights. We support the right of Palestinians to move freely in their land and oppose the checkpoints which severely restrict Palestinian daily life.

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Mennonite Palestine Israel Network

The Mennonite Palestine Israel Network (MennoPIN) believes that Christ calls us to work for peace, justice and reconciliation in the world. The land of Palestine-Israel is in many ways a microcosm of our world, ancient and modern. The conflict in that small area fuels mistrust and violence throughout the region and the entire globe. More importantly, Mennonites have been building relationships and sharing experiences in Palestine-Israel for decades, seeking to discover our own responsibilities in those relationships.

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MIFTAH: The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy

Established in Jerusalem in December 1998, MIFTAH seeks to promote the principles of democracy and good governance within various components of Palestinian society; it further seeks to engage local and international public opinion and official circles on the Palestinian cause. To that end, MIFTAH adopts the mechanisms of an active and in-depth dialogue, the free flow of information and ideas, as well as local and international networking.

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Military Court Watch

Military Court Watch (MCW) is a registered non-profit organization that monitors the treatment of children in the Israeli military system. The organization monitors 13 issues of concern and focuses on the first 24 hours of arrest because that is when most allegations of abuse and denial of rights occur. The organisation is guided by the principles that all children detained in the system are entitled to all the rights and protections guaranteed under international law and no state is permitted to discriminate between those over whom it exercises penal jurisdiction based on race or national identity. 

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Mossawa Center

The Mossawa Center, the Advocacy Center for Palestinian Arab citizens in Israel, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 1997. It aims to promote the economic, social, cultural, and political rights of the Palestinian Arab citizens in Israel, and the recognition of this community as a national indigenous minority, with their own national, cultural and historical distinctiveness. The Center develops programs to promote a democratic society, and acts against all forms of discrimination based on race, nationality, religious affiliation, social status, gender, and disabilities.

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Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network (PIEN)

PIEN is a network of Australian Christians who seek lasting peace and justice for the people of Palestine and Israel. We were established by church leaders in Canberra in 2006 and now comprise over 600 people from 11 different denominations of the Christian church within Australia.  PIEN welcomes as members or partners a number of supporters of other faiths or none who are equally committed to our mission. Our aim is to encourage and equip Australian churches and the wider Australian community to promote peace and reconciliation in Palestine and Israel, inspired by Christ’s vision for universal reconciliation. 

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The Palestine Museum of Natural History and Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability

The Palestine Museum of Natural History (PMNH) and the Palestine Institute of Biodiversity and Sustainability (PIBS) work to research, educate about, and conserve our natural world, culture, and heritage and use knowledge to promote responsible human interactions with our environment.

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Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh’s Blog:
Qumsiyeh: A Human Rights Web:
Professor Qumsiyeh on Twitter:
On Facebook:


Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs

The Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs (PASSIA) was founded in March of 1987. It is an Arab non-profit institution/think tank located in Jerusalem/Al-Quds with a financially and legally independent status. It is not affiliated with any government, political party, or organization. PASSIA seeks to present the Palestinian Question in its national, Arab, and international contexts through academic research, dialogue, and publication. 

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Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms

The Palestinian Center for Development and Freedoms (MADA) was established in 2006, where a group of passionate vision-driven Palestinians “citizens and journalists” joined forces to promote and defend the right to freedom of expression and opinion. For the first two years MADA was run solely by volunteers and activists who believed it was time to make a difference, and aimed to support the journalists who face daily numerous oppressive constraints while exercising their professional duty.

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Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) is a Gaza-based Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) dedicated to protecting human rights, promoting the rule of law and upholding democratic principles in the occupied Palestinian territory. The Centre was established in 1995 by a group of Palestinian lawyers and human rights activists in order to:

  • Protect human rights and promote the rule of law in accordance with international standards.
  • Create and develop democratic institutions and an active civil society, while promoting democratic culture within Palestinian society.
  • Support all the efforts aimed at enabling the Palestinian people to exercise its inalienable rights in regard to self-determination and independence in accordance with international Law and UN resolutions.
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Mailing list: Send an email to with “subscribe” in the subject line


Peacemakers Trust

Peacemakers Trust aspires to be catalysts for peacemaking, especially where minorities are persecuted, where justice is denied, human rights are suppressed, or reconciliation is needed. Our vision is of a world reconciled to God and where people are at peace with one another. The Reverend Doctor Stephen Sizer is the founder and director. His PhD thesis examined the historical roots, theological basis, and political consequences of Christian Zionism.

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Stephen Sizer:

YouTube (Stephen Sizer):


Pilgrims of Ibillin and the Mar Elias Educational Institutions

Pilgrims of Ibillin was founded as a US-based nonprofit in 1995, to be a friend, supporter, and interpreter of the Mar Elias Educational Institutions in Ibillin, Israel, located in the Galilee region on the Israeli side of the Green Line. The Mar Elias Schools were founded in 1982 by Father Elias Chacour (a three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee) to accomplish two intertwined purposes. The first is to provide a superior academic education for young Palestinian citizens of Israel, girls and boys alike. The second is to provide an educational setting where Jews, Christians, Muslims, and Druze would be equally valued, and where nonviolence and creative problem-solving are both practiced and taught.

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Ramallah Friends Meeting (Quakers)

There has been an active and vibrant Palestinian Quaker community in Ramallah since the late 1800’s. In 1910, this community built the Ramallah Friends Meetinghouse and later added another building that was used for community outreach.

The Ramallah Friends Meeting has always played a vital role in the community. In 1948, the buildings and grounds became the home to many Palestinian refugees. Throughout the years, the members of the Ramallah Friends Meeting organized numerous community programs such as the Children’s Play Center, the First Day School, and women’s activities.

By the early 1990’s, the Meetinghouse and Annex which housed meeting rooms and bathroom facilities, fell into disrepair as a result of damage inflicted by time and impact of conflict. So serious was the deterioration of the meetinghouse that by the middle 1990’s it was impossible to use the building at all.

A further blow to the Friends and the wider Palestinian community was the high level of emigration brought on by the economic situation and the hardships arising from the continuing Israeli military occupation. The Meetinghouse, which had served as a place of worship for the Friends in Ramallah, could no longer be used as such and the Annex could no longer be used for community outreach.

In 2002, a committee consisting of members of the Religious Society of Friends in the US and the Clerk of the Ramallah Meeting began to raise funds for the renovations of the buildings and grounds of the Meetinghouse. By November, 2004 the renovations were complete, and on March 6, 2005, exactly 95 years to the day after the dedication, the Meetinghouse and Annex were rededicated as a Quaker and community resource.

Friends meet every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. for unprogrammed Meeting for Worship. Everyone is welcome to attend.

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The Regional Council for the Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab

Founded in 1997, the Regional Council of the Palestinian Bedouin Unrecognized Villages (RCUV) is a community non-governmental organization which represents the residents of the 45 unrecognized villages in the Naqab, Israel. These villages have a total population of 74,000 inhabitants and each range in size from 500 to almost 5,000 residents. They are deprived of their municipal services and political representation and are constantly threatened with mass transfer and segregation by the State of Israel. A majority of the other 45% of the Bedouin community in the Naqab is Internally Displaced. The purpose of the RCUV is to represent these communities and create awareness of their collective demands from the State of Israel.

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NoneFacebook (Hebrew and Arabic):

Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center

Sabeel is an ecumenical grassroots liberation theology movement among Palestinian Christians. We seek to deepen the faith of Palestinian Christians, promote unity among them and with the rest of their community, and lead them to act for justice and peace. Sabeel strives to develop a spirituality based on justice, peace, nonviolence, liberation, and reconciliation for the different national and faith communities. The word Sabeel is Arabic for “the way” and also “a spring of life-giving water.” 

Sabeel also works to promote a more accurate international awareness regarding the identity, presence, and witness of Palestinian Christians as well as their contemporary concerns. We encourage individuals and groups from around the world to work for a just, comprehensive, and enduring peace informed by truth and empowered by prayer and action. 

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Wave of Prayer:


Sabeel-Kairos UK

Sabeel-Kairos UK is a Christian-based UK charity committed to supporting peace and justice in the Holy Land. We are a network of individuals, organizations, churches, and communities of all backgrounds across the UK, who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in partnership with, and by promoting and advocating on, the messages of Kairos Palestine and the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre in Jerusalem.

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Stop the Wall

The Palestinian grassroots organization Stop the Wall was formed almost immediately after Israel started construction of the wall. Based on the spontaneous formation of local committees that formed to protest and stop the bulldozers from destroying Palestinian land and property, this national coordination body was formed.

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Tent of Nations

Tent of Nations is an educational and environmental family farm. Their mission is to build bridges between people, and between people and the land. They bring different cultures together to develop understanding and promote respect for each other and our shared environment. To realise this mission, they run educational projects at an organic farm located in the hills 9 kilometers southwest of Bethlehem, Palestine. The farm is a center where people from many different countries come together to learn, to share, and to build bridges of understanding and hope.

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Tree of Life Educational Fund

Tree of Life Educational Fund (TOLEF) is a non-profit organization established by The First Congregational Church of Old Lyme, Connecticut to provide cross-cultural and transnational travel experiences, interfaith conferences, and educational opportunities to help participants to become more enlightened and more engaged in making this a more just and peaceful world in which to live.

Since 2005, Tree of Life has held annual conferences in many U.S. locations featuring Palestinian, Israeli, and other international voices of conscience who advocate for peace in the Holy Land.  Since 2003, more than 500 individuals have traveled with Tree of Life on their annual journeys to Israel/Palestine where they observe first-hand the violation of human rights in the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian land and resources, as well as witness the work of non-violent peacemakers in the region.

The Tree of Life is a Sacred Symbol for many cultures. It reminds us that all of creation is deeply interrelated and interconnected. World peace and harmony depend on our realization of this truth. It is a reminder that we do not live in an “an orchard” separate from one another, but all spiritual traditions are branches on the same tree – The Tree of Life – each drawing nourishment from the goodness of God’s Creation. This is especially critical in the Holy Land where so many faith traditions share that sacred place.

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US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR)

The US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR) is a national coalition of hundreds of groups working to advocate for Palestinian rights and a shift in U.S. policy. We are bound by commonly shared principles on Palestine solidarity as well as our anti-racism principles, and we believe in building power from the ground up.

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USA-Palestine Mental Health Network

The USA-Palestine Mental Health Network is a volunteer-run organization based in the USA which works closely with professional colleagues in Palestine. Our mission is to engage in information campaigns and public advocacy regarding the struggles facing the Palestinian people. We target a specific audience of mental health workers and professionals: psychologists, nurses, social workers, physicians, public health researchers, and others in related fields. 

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Wi’am: The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center

Wi’am: The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center is a grassroots civil society organization based in Bethlehem. In Arabic, “wi’am” means “cordial relationships,” and developing relationships is the essence of our mission. Wi’am helps resolve disputes within the Palestinian community at the grassroots level by implementing the traditional Arab form of mediation, known as Sulha, along with Western models of conflict transformation. They have programs that empower children, youth, women and men, addressing the psychological and physiological consequences of long-term conflict.

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Women in Black

Women in Black (WiB) is a worldwide network of women committed to peace with justice and actively opposed to injustice, war, militarism and other forms of violence. As women experiencing these things in different ways in different regions of the world, we support each other’s movements. An important focus is challenging the militarist policies of our own governments. We are not an organization, but a means of communicating and a formula for action. Women in Black groups do not have a constitution or a manifesto, but the feminist perspective is clear from our actions and words. 

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Women’s Center for Legal Aid and Counselling

The Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC) is an independent Palestinian non-profit and non-governmental organization established by a small group of women in 1991. By forging a feminist vision based on the principles of gender equality and social justice, WCLAC plays a prominent role in addressing gender-based violence in Palestinian society’s public and private spheres.

The organization aims to address the causes and consequences of gender-based violence within the Palestinian community as well as gender specific effects of the prolonged military occupation. These issues are interconnected and are of equal importance. For nearly three decades, the Centre’s work has bridged the need to address discrimination and violence against women within Palestinian society, and the need to support the national struggle for freedom and independence from Israeli occupation.

As a leading defender of women’s rights in Palestine, WCLAC is proud of its uncompromising commitment to provide social and legal counselling and emergency shelter in an environment where human rights abuses are rampant and women’s issues are regularly overlooked. Furthermore, it proposes bills and law amendments, works on policy developments, and monitors and documents violations of human rights as a consequence of the conflict.


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Youth Against Settlements

Youth Against Settlements (YAS) is a Hebron-based nonviolent direct action group. Formed in 2008, it maintains a youth education and meeting center located in a building that was initially occupied first by the Israeli military and later by Israeli settlers. It was reclaimed for Palestinian use through a nonviolent direct action and legal campaign. The center is used to empower and educate Palestinians, especially youth, to stand firm and use nonviolent action, media, and advocacy work to resist Israel’s system of occupation, restriction, and separation in Hebron. 

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We thought we might be able to sell some of the olive oil in the United Kingdom for a fair price. We started out with a few hundred bottles that we sold to family and friends but the response was so positive and word got out amongst social justice groups, faith groups and fair-trade activists. We didn’t have a background in commerce and made the naïve suggestion that those interested pay upfront for the product and collectively we could bring in a container of olive oil. Soon money was pouring in and within 6 weeks we were able to commit to a full container. 

Based on this demand, we thought that perhaps there was something more we could do. And in 2004 Zaytoun (which means “olive” in Arabic) was born. Our mission was to support farming families so they could build a sustainable income. 

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Zochrot (remembering in Hebrew) is an NGO working since 2002 to promote acknowledgment and accountability for the ongoing injustices of the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948, and the conceptualization of the Return as atonement for the Nakba and a chance for a better life for all the country’s inhabitants.

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