Week 30: Family Unification Online Gathering

Week 30: Family Unification Online Gathering

A replay will be posted here a day after the meeting.

You can find the 2021 gathering here.

On July 26 we learned about and addressed Israel’s illegal and discriminatory family unification laws. We were joined by Adi Mansour of Adalah.

More about our guest:

Coming Soon

Activism Time

Full Kumi Action at:

From the Presentation/Chat

https://www.adalahjusticeproject.org/ – Adalah Justice Project is a Palestinian advocacy organization based in the U.S. that aims to shift public discourse and policy on Palestine.

please read about our PCUSA actions in our website www.theipmn.org

Please invite us to your churches to speak about the Palestinian people & about the Palestinian Christians www.pcap-us.org