Week 49: Human Rights Online Gathering

Week 49: Human Rights Online Gathering

You can find the 2021 gathering here.

On December 6 we were joined by Donald Pageler who served on the USS Liberty. He told us about the attack and subsequent cover up.

More about our guests:

Coming soon

Activism Time

Full Kumi Action at:

From the Presentation/Chat

The USS Liberty Veterans Association is at https://www.usslibertyveterans.org

Attack on the Liberty by James Scott: https://a.co/d/3ExD2eS

Sacrificing Liberty: A USS Liberty Documentary: https://youtu.be/5JeXq0wlEkw

I’ve created a playlist of documentaries and archival footage of the USS Liberty on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLu2nUnkJwDwkA4b3TaXAi4cEN0dk0ZFMw