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- Just the Facts: Doing Business while PalestinianDoing Business while Palestinian: Just the Facts… Roughly 127,000 Palestinians work inside Israel or in illegal Jewish settlements. Gaza’s economy actually… more
- Week 2: Doing Business while PalestinianWe begin our year by looking ahead to Martin Luther King Jr. Day, observed the third Monday of each year,… more
- Week 1: Kumi New YearWeek 1: Kumi New Year January 1 to 7 Welcome to a new year of Kumi Now! As you look… more
- Just the Facts: Christians in the Holy LandChristians were 80 percent of the population in and around Bethlehem when Israel was founded. Christians make up just 12… more
- Week 52: Christians in the Holy LandWeek 52: Christians in the Holy Land December 24 to 30 Palestinians in the occupied territory face increasingly difficult circumstances… more
- December 17: The Syrian Golan – with Dr. Basileus ZenoDecember 17: The Syrian Golan – Dr. Basileus Zeno On December 17, 2024, Dr. Basileus Zeno joined us to discuss… more
- Week 51: The Syrian GolanWeek 51: The Syrian Golan December 17 to December 23 This week, we mark the occupation and annexation of the… more
- Just the Facts: Syrian GolanIn June 1967, Israel seized and occupied 1,250 km2 of the Syrian Golan (over 2/3 of the total land mass).… more
- December 10: Right of Return – with Mohamed AbdouDecember 10: Right of Return – with Mohamed Abdou On December 10, 2024, Mohamed Abdou joined us to discuss the… more
- Week 50: Right of ReturnWeek 50: Right of Return December 10 to December 16 December 11 is the anniversary of the passage of U.N.… more