Week 47: Gender-Based Violence Online Gathering

Week 47: Gender-Based Violence Online Gathering

A replay of the gathering will be posted right here a day after the session!

On November 23rd we learned about the gender-based violence perpetrated against Palestinian women. Our guest was the tireless activist Arij Daibes.

More about our guest:

Arij Daibes is born and raised in Jerusalem and a mother of two children. She holds a  B.A. in modern languages and M.A. in International Cooperation and Development. She is also the part-time Program Manager for the Women’s Studies Center and a free-lance interpreter and consultant.

She has 20 years of experience in Palestine working in development projects in both the NGO and public sectors with a variety of experiences and skills in  analytical research, monitoring and evaluation procedures, and report writing. 

She is an activist and a strong believer in human rights, gender equality and justice.

You can find the Women’s Study Centre at https://www.wsc-pal.org/index-en.html and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/wscpal, Twitter https://twitter.com/wscpal, Instagram https://instagram.com/wscpal/, and YouTube https://instagram.com/wscpal/.

Activism Time

Kumi Action is at:

Draw a picture of flowers or take a photo of flowers and send it to the U.N. Women’s office at the following address with a note asking why the U.N. is not keeping Israel accountable to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1325. Explain that by not holding Israel accountable to international law, the U.N. is allowing violence against Palestinian women and girls. In your note, encourage the U.N. to act by fully implementing UNSC Resolution 1325 and to hold Israel accountable for its actions.

U.N. Women
Two United Nations Plaza, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10017
United States

Post a picture of the flowers you shared on social media along with the message “By not holding Israel accountable to international law, the U.N. is allowing violence against Palestinian women and girls.” On Twitter you can tag U.N. Women @UN_Women, while on Facebook it is @unwomen. Include a link to this page of the Kumi Now website along with the hashtags #KumiNow and #Kumi47.

Resolution 1325: https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N00/720/18/PDF/N0072018.pdf

UN Women links:

This page of the site: https://kuminow.com/gender-basedviolence/

16 Days of Action: https://www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/ending-violence-against-women/take-action/16-days-of-activism

From the Presentation/Chat

Coming after the session.