Week 48: Kairos Palestine Online Gathering

Week 48: Kairos Palestine Online Gathering

You can find the 2021 gathering here.

On November 29 we explored the message of the Kairos Palestine document and discussed how we support its message. We were joined by Mays Nassar of Kairos Palestine.

More about our guests:

Mays Nassar works with Kairos Palestine. Kairos Palestine is a Christian Palestinian movement, born out of the Kairos Document, which advocates for ending the Israeli occupation and achieving a just solution to the conflict. It urges the international community to stand with the Palestinian people in their struggle against oppression, displacement, and apartheid, demands that all people, political leaders and decision-makers put pressure on Israel and take legal measures in order to oblige its government to end its oppression and disregard for international law, and holds a clear position that non-violent resistance to this injustice is a right and duty for all Palestinians, including Christians. It supports Palestinian civil society organizations, international NGOs and religious institutions that call on individuals, companies and states to engage in boycotts, divestment and sanctions against the Israeli occupation.

You can find Kairos Palestine on their website https://www.kairospalestine.ps/ and follow on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kairospalestine, Twitter https://twitter.com/kairospalestine, and YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/kairospalestine.

You can see if there is a Global Kairos organization in your country and, if not, start one. Find out here: ​​https://www.kairospalestine.ps/index.php/about-kairos/global-kairos

And you can find the Cry of Hope website here: https://www.cryforhope.org/index.php

Activism Time

Full Kumi Action at:

From the Presentation/Chat

The Kairos Palestine Document is at https://www.kairospalestine.ps/index.php/about-kairos/kairos-palestine-document

The Cry of Hope Document is at https://www.cryforhope.org/media/attachments/2020/06/30/cry-for-hope-english.pdf

A dossier on Israeli Apartheid: A Pressing Call to Churches Around the World is at https://www.kairospalestine.ps/index.php/resources/publication/a-dossier-on-israeli-apartheid-a-pressing-call-to-churches-around-the-world