Week 24: Tourism and Pilgrimage Online Gathering

Week 24: Tourism and Pilgrimage Online Gathering

On June 15 we learned about tourism and pilgrimage in Palestine, and how Israeli policies that negatively affect both. Our guest was George Rishmawi of Siraj Center and Palestinian Heritage Trail.

More about our guest:

George Rishmawi is a Christian Palestinian activist from Beit Sahour near Bethlehem, Palestine, who believes in and works for peace using non-violent methods. He has wide experience of the situation of Palestinians living under occupation, and knows many of the people, organizations and NGOs campaigning locally and internationally.

In his capacity as Coordinator for the Siraj Center for Holy Land Studies (www.sirajcenter.org) which he co-founded in 2005, his advocacy activities include:

  • organizing and leading international group tours of Israel/Palestine;
  • organizing the Palestine Encounter program which brings International visitors to Palestine for first-hand experience of living with Palestinian families and working with Palestinian activists;
  • acting as Executive Director of the Abraham Path ( Masar Ibrahim), a programme which bring people from all faiths to walk along the Steps of Abraham Path between Jenin and Hebron and learn about Abrahamic values and traditions (www.masaribrahim.ps)

You can read more about him on the Siraj website.

Activism Time

Activism Time slides available as PDF here.

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From the Presentation/Chat

Coming after the session.