Week 47: Gender-Based Violence Online Gathering 2023

Week 47: Gender-Based Violence Online Gathering 2023

On November 21, 2023 Budour Hassan of Amnesty International joined us to address gender-based violence, particularly in the current war on Gaza – and what we can do about it.
Urgent Action
UK Action: Pressure MP Rushanara Ali
Rushanara Ali has a constituency that supports Palestine by a large percentage, but she still abstained from supporting a motion that would call for a ceasefire (see https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/nov/16/protesters-gather-outside-labour-mps-london-office-after-gaza-abstention-vote). Put pressure on her to support a ceasefire by emailing her at rushanara.ali.mp@parliament.uk.
North America: Insist Justin Trudeau call for a ceasefire
Send him a fax for free by using https://faxzero.com/. You can fax his office at 613-941-6900.
Fax number disconnected? That means that the pressure is working. You can send an electronic message at https://www.pm.gc.ca/en/connect/contact.
And if email isn’t getting through? That means his inbox is overflowing, and you can always send a snail mail letter to:
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Worldwide: Share Ceasefire Images
The images below are perfect for sharing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), or wherever else you like to be social with your media. You can also just share our own posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (X):

Ongoing: Pressure Governments
Until there is a ceasefire, we want you to think globally, but act locally. Israel won’t stop its assault on Gazans until the international community pressures it to do so. So far, only Arab countries are openly calling for a ceasefire. Let’s change this!
Email or call your own representative, MP, or other leader, urging them to call for an immediate ceasefire. Did you email last week? Email again! Politicians won’t act on a single email. They need to be reminded over and over again that this matters.
Work with members of your local activism group (Friends of Sabeel or otherwise) to identify which politicians and leaders are the most likely to listen and act. Share their email addresses and phone numbers.
We will repeat this action every week until a ceasefire is in place.
Share this action and your local contact information on social media. Use the hashtags #Palestine #Gaza #CeasefireNOW #KumiNow
Kumi Action
Draw a picture of flowers or take a photo of flowers and send it to the U.N. Women’s office at the following address with a note asking why the U.N. is not keeping Israel accountable to United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 1325. Explain that by not holding Israel accountable to international law, the U.N. is allowing violence against Palestinian women and girls. In your note, encourage the U.N. to act by fully implementing UNSC Resolution 1325 and to hold Israel accountable for its actions.
U.N. Women
Two United Nations Plaza, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10017
United States
Post a picture of the flowers you shared on social media along with the message “By not holding Israel accountable to international law, the U.N. is allowing violence against Palestinian women and girls.” On Twitter you can tag U.N. Women @UN_Women, while on Facebook it is @unwomen (https://www.facebook.com/unwomen/). Include a link to this page of the Kumi Now website along with the hashtags #KumiNow and #Kumi47.
From the Presentation/Chat
Coming after the session