Week 32: Indigenous Rights Online Gathering

Week 32: Indigenous Rights Online Gathering

On August 10th we learned about indigenous rights movements around the world and how Palestinian Rights are a piece of the global puzzle. Our guest was Angela Godfrey-Goldstein of Jahalin Solidarity
More about our guest:
Angela Godfrey-Goldstein is Director of Jahalin Solidarity, a Palestinian organization she founded to support Jahalin Bedouin with capacity raising and advocacy, especially as to their forcible displacement, and to advocate against the Israeli Occupation. For many years she was Action Advocacy Officer with ICAHD – The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and Advocacy Officer for Grassroots Jerusalem. She was previously an environmental activist in Sinai, Egypt, where she lived for four years. Together with Eid abu KhamisJahalin she was a Rebuilding Alliance Peacemaker awardee in 2018. A chapter she wrote about her work for the past 20 years with Bedouin was published in 2018 by Veritas in a best-selling book, Defending Hope.
Jahalin Solidarity, a Kumi partner, is a Palestinian non-profit which aims to develop and work with Palestinian society (especially Bedouin, but also others in Area C and East Jerusalem) targeted for transfer and forcible displacement. Jahalin Solidarity works in solidarity with Bedouin and other Palestinian civil society to support their struggle to stay where they have lived for the past 60+ years in the Jerusalem periphery or elsewhere, to uphold the Palestinian Right of Return, and end the Israeli occupation. Jahalin has recently expanded its website to better highlight the many projects it is involved in and issues it is working on. In particular, you should check out their program and store called Ibrahim’s Tent, selling handmade tents made out of 100% natural goats’ hair.
You can find Jahalin Solidarity on their website and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Activism Time
Read and study the U.N. Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. You can find a copy in your language at https://www.un.org/development/desa/indigenouspeoples/declaration-on-the-rights-of-indigenous-peoples.html.
Choose your favorite passages from the document and think of creative ways to share them, whether on posters or as part of photo collages online, etc.
Share whatever you do on social media. Include a link to this page of the Kumi Now website along with the hashtags #IndigenousRights, #KumiNow, and #Kumi32.
Kumi Action is at:
From the Presentation/Chat
Coming after the session.