- Just the Facts: Doing Business while PalestinianDoing Business while Palestinian: Just the Facts… Roughly 127,000 Palestinians work inside Israel or in illegal Jewish settlements. Gaza’s economy actually… more
- Just the Facts: Christians in the Holy LandChristians were 80 percent of the population in and around Bethlehem when Israel was founded. Christians make up just 12… more
- Just the Facts: Syrian GolanIn June 1967, Israel seized and occupied 1,250 km2 of the Syrian Golan (over 2/3 of the total land mass).… more
- Just the Facts: Right of ReturnIn 1948 over 1 million Palestinians, 73.2% of the native Palestinian Arab population, became refugees or IDPs. More than half… more
- Just the Facts: Human Rights3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. 5. No one shall be subjected to torture… more
- Just the Facts: The Kairos Document“Why now? Because today we have reached a dead end in the tragedy of the Palestinian people. The decision-makers content… more
- Just the Facts: Gender-Based ViolenceRoughly 1,360 night raids are conducted on Palestinians each year. Nearly four in ten women in the Gaza Strip face… more
- Just the Facts: Children’s Rights83% of Palestinian children in East Jerusalem live below the Israel-defined poverty line. In 2019, 5,289 permits were issued to… more
- Just the Facts: AntisemitismMajor violent incidents of antisemitism worldwide rose from 78 in 1989 to 456 in 2019. In 2020, lockdowns reduced encounters… more
- Just the Facts: Anti-Muslim and Anti-Islamic DiscriminationSince 2017, Chinese authorities have destroyed or damaged 16,000 mosques in Xinjiang. Chinese authorities have detained up to 1.5 million… more
- Just the Facts: Women in Conflict33% of Palestinian women in refugee camps have directly experienced physical assault by Israeli Occupation Forces. 9% have been exposed… more
- Just the Facts: Profiting from OccupationUnderstanding Profiting from Occupation. Some of the international corporations that profit from the illegal occupation of Palestine… ABB Group Adama… more
- Just the Facts: Mental HealthUp to 40% of Palestinians suffer from depression. Among areas heavily bombarded during the 2014 war on Gaza, 54% of… more
- Just the Facts: Nonviolence in PalestinePRINCIPLE ONE: Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people. PRINCIPLE TWO: Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding.… more
- Just the Facts: Bedouin RightsThere are around 40,000 Bedouins in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), most of which are refugees and displaced indigenous tribes.… more
- Just the Facts: Blockade of GazaThe blockade was first imposed on Gaza by Israel in 2006 after Hamas won the Palestinian elections. Gaza’s unemployment rate… more
- Just the Facts: BethlehemLess than 1% of Area C in Bethlehem has an outline plan approved by the Israeli authorities allowing legal Palestinian… more
- Just the Facts: Education Funding and PolicyUNRWA operates 711 elementary and preparatory schools across the West Bank, Gaza, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. UNRWA schools serve over… more
- Just the Facts: Art as ResistanceThese are just a few of the artists, be they authors or filmmakers or painters or poets or musicians, who… more
- Just the Facts: Christian ZionismUnderstanding Christian Zionism: Just the Facts. The Political Agenda of Christian Zionism… “The belief that the Jews remain God’s chosen… more
- Just the Facts: U.S. Role in PalestineUnderstanding the U.S. Role in Palestine: Just the Facts… At least 26 states have enacted laws infringing upon the right… more
- Just the Facts: Indigenous RightsUnderstanding Indigenous Rights: Just the Facts. From the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples… The declaration is… more
- Just the Facts: Collective PunishmentUnderstanding Collective Punishment: Just the Facts. Forms of Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinians… checkpoints walls curfews the Nakba Law home… more
- Just the Facts: Family UnificationUnderstanding Family Unification: Just the Facts… Israel controls immigration into both Israel and the occupied Paletinian territories. Israel’s control over… more
- Just the Facts: Israeli Apartheid WallUnderstanding the Israeli Apartheid Wall: Just the Facts… 85% of the Wall is located in the West Bank. The Wall… more
- Just the Facts: Morally Responsible InvestingUnderstanding Morally Responsible Investing: Just the Facts. Methods of morally responsible investing… “…A campaign of sanctions which highlights the moral… more
- Just the Facts: Nuclear IsraelUnderstanding Nuclear Israel: Just the Facts… Israel began to research nuclear weapons soon after it declared independence in 1948 and… more
- Just the Facts: Palestinian RefugeesUnderstanding Palestinian Refugees: Just the Facts… At least 8.7 of 13.05 million (66.7%) Palestinians worldwide are forcibly displaced persons. Among… more
- Just the Facts: Tourism and PilgrimageIsrael… Has full control over who can visit Palestine and restricts access of tourists to the occupied territory. Uses tourism… more
- Just the Facts: Environmental Effects of OccupationPalestinians have been denied access to the Jordan River, their main surface water resource, since 1967. 40% of surface water… more
- Just the Facts: Child FatalitiesA total of 67 Palestinian children were killed in the Gaza Strip and 2 children were killed in Israel in… more
- Just the Facts: Preserving History and CultureThe Israel’s Defense Ministry’s secretive security department, Malmab, has for decades run a program to conceal the events of 1948so… more
- Just the Facts: The Ongoing NakbaBetween 100,000 and 150,000 Palestinians were displaced under the Mandate, roughly a million were displaced in the Nakba, and another… more
- Just the Facts: U.S. Support of IsraelThe Obama-Netanyahu Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) increased U.S. military aid by 27% per year. It increased U.S. military aid to… more
- Just the Facts: Freedom of SpeechUpdate This week’s Just the Facts comes from: Update Learning More Update
- Just the Facts: Nation-State LawUpdate This week’s Just the Facts comes from: Update Learning More Update
- Just the Facts: Administrative DetentionUpdate This week’s Just the Facts comes from: Update Learning More Update
- Just the Facts: Home DemolitionsAs an occupying power, Israel is obligated under international law to: protect civilians, refrain from forcible transfer of population, and… more
- Just the Facts: Minors in Military CourtsAbout 800,000 Palestinian men, women and children have been detained since 1967. Children as young as 12 years can be… more
- Just the Facts: Conditions in GazaSince the start of the blockade in 2005, the number of businesses in Gaza has decreased from 3,500 to 250.… more
- Just the Facts: Natural ResourcesPalestinians have been denied access to the Jordan River, their main surface water resource, since 1967. 40% of surface water… more
- Just the Facts: Olive TreesSince 1967 between 800,000 and 2 million Palestinian olive trees have been uprooted by Israeli authorities. Palestinians lose US $12.3… more
- Just the Facts: Women in PeacebuildingWorldwide, the proportion of peace agreements with gender equality provisions increased from 14 to 22 per cent between 1995 and… more
- Just the Facts: Restrictions on MovementIn 2016, Israeli forces deployed an average of 107 adhoc ‘flying’ checkpoints along West Bank roads each week. Between 2000… more
- Just the Facts: Settlements and ViolenceAbout 250 Israeli settlements have been established across the occupied West Bank since 1967. More than 620,000 Israelis currently live… more
- Just the Facts: Discriminatory Policies towards the Palestinian PeopleSo this week’s Just the Facts isn’t really a list of facts and figures. It is, however, a visual that helps demostrate… more
- Just the Facts: Medical RightsIn Palestine 1.9 million people have very limited access to healthcare, including 1.3 million refugees. Life expectancy in Palestine is… more
- Just the Facts: Palestinian Citizens of IsraelIn 1914, Palestinians comprised about 92% of the population. During the Nakba (“Catastrophe”), over 750,000 Palestinians fled or were forced… more
- Just the Facts: Jerusalem90% of Jerusalem’s city budget is directed towards Jewish Israeli neighborhoods. Only 10% is directed towards Palestinian neighborhoods, home to… more
- Just the Facts: Building Permit DiscriminationJust the Facts: Building Permit Discrimination Israel’s Civil Administration (CA) rejects almost all building permit applications submitted by Palestinians. Applications… more
- Just the Facts: Christian Emigration from the Holy LandUnderstanding Christian Emigration from the Holy Land: Just the Facts… Christians were 80 percent of the population in and around… more
- Just the Facts: 2020: Palestine and the Occupation in Numbers
- Just the Facts: Children in Military Courts
- Just the Facts: The Syrian Golan
- Just the Facts: